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Monthly Archives: November 2015

Music 51: About That Final Exam

As you know, there was some confusion about the final exam schedule for the 12:30 Monday/Wednesday Music 51: Introduction to Electronic Music class last week. To dispel any confusion, there has been no change from the day/time announced at the start of the term. The final exam session for Music 51 is…


The college did, indeed, announce a change… but they also instructed us to go ahead and use the originally announced exam day/time if we needed to.

Music 1A: Many Important Deadlines For Week 11

Next week, week 11 and the last week of classes before we return for final exams during week 12, includes a lot of important deadlines for Music 1A students. A few of them are listed below. (Note that further important/critical details are found in the course calendar and elsewhere on this website.)

  • There are two listening assignments due next week, one at each class meeting.
  • The retake quiz for the next week’s new quiz will happen at your second class meeting of the week.
  • The optional second concert report is due at your first class session of the week, if you have chosen to do this. Note that I do not accept late optional second concert reports.
  • The remaining extra credit concert events all occur next week. Your “reviews” and related materials are always due at the very next class meeting — late extra credit concert materials are not accepted.
  • You have the option to resubmit one earlier listening assignment (from among assignments #1-#8) at your first class meeting of the week. I do not accept this work after the deadline.
  • If you wish to retake test #1 or test #2 at the final exam session you must notify me in writing at your first class of the week as described in the class calendar .
  • Students in the Tuesday/Thursday class only may turn in assignment #8 on Tuesday.

Music 1A: Time to Get Serious

OK, I know that many of you are already serious about Music 1A! But there is a lot to learn and master in the final few weeks — mostly because there are so many composers in the final two historical eras we study.

At a few recent class sessions I have mentioned subjects that everyone should already be familiar with — only to see a few too many blank faces staring at me as if I had just asked how many of you have visited Mars recently. ;-)

Yes, there is a lot of material to contend with during the final weeks of the term. Yes, the time is limited. Yes, this can seem daunting. (more…)

Saying “no” to demagoguery and hate

“They can’t beat us on the battlefield, so they try to terrorize us into being afraid, and changing our patterns of behavior, and panicking, and abandoning our allies and partners, and retreating from the world,” Obama said…

It’s “absolutely false” that “we are somehow at war with an entire religion,” he said. “The United States could never be at any war with any religion because America is made up by multiple religions. We’re strengthened by people from every religion, including Muslim Americans. So I want to be as clear as I can on this — prejudice and discrimination helps [terrorists]...”

(Italics added.)

Music 1A: Assignment #8 And The Tuesday/Thursday Class

Listening assignment #8 is due next week. However, the Tuesday/Thursday class does not meet next Thursday, which is the day it would normally be due. Thursday is part of the Thanksgiving holiday and the campus is closed.

Students in the Tuesday/Thursday class (but NOT the Monday/Wednesday class — see below [1]) have three options for turning in this assignment:

  1. You may turn it in early at next week’s Tuesday class meeting.
  2. You may come to the start of the MW class on Wednesday, November 25 to turn it in — or bring it to me during an office hour that day.
  3. You may wait and turn it in the following week on Tuesday, December 1.

The third option probably sounds the most appealing, but a warning: Two other assignments are already due that week, and if you wait you will be completing and submitting three assignments during the last week of classes. While that is OK, I think you can see why it may not be the best idea.

[1] Note: This change does NOT apply for students in the Monday/Wednesday class. Your assignment is still due on Wednesday, November 25 as listed in the course calendar.

Music 1A: Test #2 Grades Posted

I have posted grades for test #2 in the usual place. A few notes:

  • You may notice that your written points plus your scantron points do not equal your total points. The difference between the expected sum of those two number and the listed value is your extra points.
  • As I said I would do I have altered the grade distribution in ways helpful to you as a result of our compressed schedule. For the most part I expanded the size of higher grade ranges and compressed the size of grade ranges containing fewer points — with the result being a shifting toward higher grades. This explains the very large number of A grades.
  • An oddity of the distribution on this test is that the largest groups were near the top and bottom of the scale with a reasonable but smaller number right in the middle.

Music Department Benefit Concert

Join me at this concert TONIGHT — Wednesday, December 2. Free for students… and eligible for the Music 1A extra credit assignment.

Paganini trio concert flyer v2.psd

Music 1A: A Quote

From a test answer: “[Bach’s] death marked the end of his life.”

Can’t argue with that!

Music 1A: Friday Concerts Update

I have updated the concert list for students who plan to do the optional second concert report.

There are now also several events on the extra credit concert list. Read the extra credit page carefully before attending. (You do have to write something on the extra credit concerts, but it is easy and it is not another concert report!)

Music 51: Upcoming

After today’s class we have exactly…

SIX remaining class meetings before the final exam!


  • Work on #5


  • Play back #5
  • Work on #6
  • A new history subject


  • Play back #6
  • Work on final project
  • A quiz


  • Work on final project
  • A quiz
  • Test #2

Then… it is suddenly final exams week. For the electronic music class, the final exam is the playback of your final project rather than a written exam. The majority of the final two weeks of class (weeks 10 and 11) will be lab time to work on this project, with the only significant interruptions being for the take-home quizzes and test #2 at the last class meeting before final exam week.